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Forming in the early part of 2017, the band consists of Damian Carruthers (Guitar), Matthew Harman (Vocals), James Wrigley (Guitar, Bass, Ukele, Mandolin), James Burton (Percussion) – With Burton and Wrigley Doubling up and handling production duties too these guys are extremely focused on writing and producing not only great music, but also music that focuses heavily on storytelling.

Serenade the Stars gained worldwide attention with the release of their debut single “She’s The One” in the winter of 2017.
Track receiving airplay on over 200 stations worldwide in America, Germany, France, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and of course their home land the UK where it has been A listed on multiple stations!
The band look set for Worldwide domination in 2018 with the release of 2 more singles and their highly anticipated debut album!
