Genre: Johnny Cash
Band Members
Ben Welburn – Acoustic guitar + vocals
Kiran Hungin – Vocals
Robert Ray – Lead guitar + backing vocals
Chuck Benfield – Standup bass
Matt Cowley – Drums
Growing up on a farm in Yorkshire, music has always been central to Ben’s life. With a Grandfather who was a big band drummer, and a Father with a vast musical collection enthusiastically shared with whoever would listen, music was everywhere. However, it was the music of a certain JR Cash that managed that rare feat of stopping a young and energetic Ben in his tracks. It gave him that first “light bulb” moment, as he recalls, “I had heard music before, of course. But this voice. His voice. I mean it literally brought me to a standstill. The words too. They just struck a chord with me somewhere and I really felt I understood what he was saying. I got this man, even as a child I could feel it”.
As a youngster, this was the first time Ben had felt that deep connection with music and lyrics. Although Ben didn’t know it at the time, Johnny Cash would also come to be a very important figure in his life as an adult.